At the Elder & Disability Law Office, Ltd. John Belconis we consider the privacy of the of our users to be very important. We will not disclose user information to any third party without consent. We are committed to safeguarding the user‘s privacy while visiting our site. We strive to deliver relevant information and resources to our users. To be able to provide our users with this information we gather the following types of information

Personal Information 

We gather information that that the user provides to us through our contact form (such as your name, phone number, email address.) We will only use this information to contact the user to address their questions and concerns

General Data 

We collect general information regarding the users of our site. For example we collect information regarding the amount of web site traffic, number of visits to a particular page, number of visits from other web sites. This information helps us determine if we should change or add something to our site


Cookies are used to store and help track information about the user. Cookies are data that are sent to the users browser from a web server and stored on the users computer. Cookies allow us the save the users password and preferences so that the user does not have to reenter them every time that they visit our site

Links To Third Party Sites 

In the event that we provide a link to a third party site we think you may find useful, then we are not responsible for the privacy practices of the third party site

Opt Out Of Future Communications 

You may opt out of any future contact from us at any time. Contact our phone number or mailing address to do so

Contact Us

Send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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