In Services

We all know that as we grow older our health concerns increase. No one can predict if a stoke or fall will occur, but if it does, then you may be much better off if you have done advanced  planning. We prepare our clients for what may lie ahead. Planning ahead can often times prevent a future crisis down the line. 

We make sure that our client’s have their legal documents in order such as, wills, trusts, power of attorney documents and care contracts. These fundamental legal documents can eliminate many potential problems.     

In the event that you are concerned about a stay in a nursing home, then we can help you prepare. If you enter a nursing home and apply for Medicaid to pay for your cost of care, then Medicaid applies what is commonly referred to as the “five year look back rule” to your application.  Medicaid will review “audit” all of the financial transactions over the five year period leading up to filing a Medicaid application. Medicaid imposes a strict set of audit rules and if Medicaid is not satisfied with your financial records and bookkeeping, then your application will be denied. Trying to remember what transpired in your accounts five years ago can be difficult if not nearly impossible for an elderly person. Yet Medicaid will hold you responsible to do so. Client’s that are prepared for this type of audit naturally have an easier time providing information that is requested. Individuals that are unprepared can run into major problems. We advise our clients on the best ways to conduct their banking and bill paying, so that their transitions are more easily verifiable in a Medicaid audit. We advise our client’s on  whether there are risks associated with gifts to family members and/or charitable organizations. We draw from years of experience to derive a plan that can give you and your family peace of mind moving forward. 

Here is our process:

* You click on the contact button and then either call us or send us an e-mail. 

 * We talk to you to gain a basic understanding of your unique situation and concerns.

* We determine if we think we can assist you with your situation and concerns.

* We schedule an appointment for you. 

* We tell you what to bring to your appointment.        

* We meet with you to discuss your situation in more detail (the meeting will last approximately one hour). 

* We review information that you bring to your appointment.

* We evaluate your situation and discuss your legal options.  

* We discuss the cost for our services.  

* We determine the next steps.

For more information please call our office at 847-430-3652, email me below or submit a contact us form (Click Here)       

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