Traditional estate planning addresses what happens if you die, but did you ever think about what will happen if you suffer a stroke or are diagnosed with chronic illness and live into your [...]
Mom suffers a broken hip and is discharged from the hospital into a rehabilitation facility. She desperately wants to move back home. Mom’s three kids want to make things work for her at [...]
At this presentation we will address the following issues: how to avoid guardianship; when is guardianship necessary; what to expect in the guardianship process; what is the difference between a [...]
Plan A is living your life at home comfortably in great health with no assistance, but unfortunately plan A rarely happens. So what is your plan B? At this presentation we will look at critical [...]
The diagnosis of chronic illness is undoubtedly challenging in many respects. At this presentation we will discuss the critical legal issues that should be addressed to help avoid costly errors.
Medicaid’s nursing home laws have become increasingly complex over the years. So, it’s no wonder there are many myths and inaccuracies that exist. At this presentation we will address common [...]